Written by Jearlean Alston-Taylor
I appreciate everyone that has supported Pretty Girl Blues through your purchase, support, and prayers. To purchase, click Purchase Pretty Girl Blues and get your copy. I thank you in advance for your support.
Excerpt from "Pretty Girl Blues"
At two years old, diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, doctors thought I would not live to celebrate my third birthday. My heart's desire was to be normal like other children. However who knew I would be hiding a secret? I tried to cover up this secret with my outer beauty. In hiding this secret, negative attributes of low self-esteem, depression, suicidal thoughts, hurts, and insecurities became prevalent. I often questioned, "why did I have to go through this sickness?" The disease of cancer or treatments were not initially a problem for me, however what came after was, being left with permanent ostomy (bags). Because of this rare type of cancer (Rhabdomyosarcoma) and many surgeries that followed, I hid my "secret" for many years.....
The duration of my future is a journey with unexpected outcomes. A dilemma I call “pretty girl blues”. I don't look like what I deal with 24 hours/7 days a week. But God said live and I am!

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I read the article about you in Essence Magazine and found you to be an inspiration and I will be ordering a copy of your book. I look forward to reading it! Keep up the good work!
Talaya Michael
Testimony of a Survivor
The narrative of Jearlean Taylor’s story gives hope and dares us to dream big! I see a woman who did not let the word cancer dictate her destiny! Too often we get caught up in letting our conditions dictate how we perceive ourselves and the life we lead. The chapters of her life are written with a faith that has sustained her through good and bad times.
Think of her broken pieces like flotation devices where she learned the skills for modeling to
defy the odds in a world that emphasizes the outside appearance. Over time Jealean has turned this motto into her modeling business and as she steps out on the runway of life living with an ostomy bag is not a deterrent. “Learn to live life from the inside out” because she learned to not see wearing an ostomy bag as an obstacle but an opportunity to educate, inspire, and empower individuals who have similar health issues.
Jearlean Taylor's testimony illustrates how a woman diagnosed with cancer at an early age can demonstrate that we are more than what the naked eye can see. Determined to show the world that she would not be a victim but rather victorious!
Peace and Blessings,
Ms. Deborah
Deborah Hamlett